Content With Tag “House”

Listing 67 pieces of content with the “House” Tag.

  1. Week 184: Copenhagen & Malmö

    A week of election results, outdated consumer units, electricians, cooking pasta, Copenhagen, Malmö, spring weather, and prepping for Eurovision. Read Week 184: Copenhagen & Malmö.

  2. Week 183: Bluebells

    Charlotte walking through a tree tunnel with the wood around us carpeted in bluebells

    A week of tracking down bugs, availability metrics, far-too-large conferences, showering in the light, udon, shopping trips, co-op video games, and walks in bluebell woods. Read Week 183: Bluebells.

  3. Week 182: Standard Plug

    A Jägerbomb in a split shot glass

    A week of failed hob fittings, cat sitter meetings, Jägerbombs, hangovers, wastelands, cryptic sudoku, bottomless brunches, and Daniel Beddingfield. Read Week 182: Standard Plug.

  4. Week 179: Isolation Valve

    A boiler from below with various labeled pipes connected, some of the labels have question marks to indicate that I'm not 100% certain what the pipe is for

    A week of new taps, messy pipework, cute weddings, kids, tight-lipped friends, Greek baptisms, cat scratches, destroyed pot plants, and more reading. Read Week 179: Isolation Valve.

  5. Week 178: Humble

    A small fluffy brown-and-black kitten sitting in a bowl that's slightly too small for him

    A week of relaxing, reading classic horror, birthday cocktails, the big light, shopping, wine flights, crumbles, and a couple of tiny purring lads. Read Week 178: Humble.

  6. Week 177: Dermatology

    A kitten climbing on my head. I look slightly uncomfortable due to claws digging in

    A week of kittens settling in, gas leaks, engineers, hospital appointments, annoying skin, streams of visitors, and visits to Kent. Read Week 177: Dermatology.

  7. Week 172: Fizzy Lights

    Some electrical switches surrounded by slightly damp wood and a post-it note that's clearly seen some water recently

    A week of burst pipes, fizzing light fittings, trips to Brighton, mini-golf, rollercoasters, good food, magic incantations, and being unimpressed with LLMs so far. Read Week 172: Fizzy Lights.

  8. Week 170: Choux

    Me in a large deep ball pool with only my head visible

    A week of phone calls, many family visits, a leaking light fitting, incredible choux buns, leaving drinks, pretend Guinness, 36th birthdays, and website admin. Read Week 170: Choux.

  9. Week 163: Old Fashioneds

    A lit up and decorated Christmas tree

    A week of tiredness, possibly giving up on Advent of Code, all-day planning sessions, Christmas parties, Old Fashioneds, bad hangovers, long hikes, and trees. Read Week 163: Old Fashioneds.

  10. Week 150: Lou & Char

    An iOS notification warning that the cupboard under the kitchen sink is damp

    A week of vans, picking up furniture, getting rid of furniture, flood detection, energy monitoring, excellent pub, sunshine, country houses, and fun weddings. Read Week 150: Lou & Char.

  11. Week 149: Cracked Elbow

    A week of fixing pipes, expanding foam, flood detection, selling furniture, buying furniture, productive weeks, Slack app unfurling, rewatching Schitt's Creek, and trip planning. Read Week 149: Cracked Elbow.

  12. Week 148: Friendly Cows

    Several pieces of slate poking vertically out of the sand like monoliths, with a circular mosaic of shell fragments surrounding them.

    A week of not thinking, milk stations, beach art, very sweet cows, an appearance from COVID, driving in London, wet cupboards, and some custom medals. Read Week 148: Friendly Cows.

  13. Week 146: Killing Mr. Boombastic

    A lot of pictures hanging close together above a sofa, all in mismatched old frames

    A week of putting up shelves, putting up gallery walls, unpacking boxes, nice coffees, nice Jägerbombs, absolute bangers, tasty Costa Rican food, and Barbie. Read Week 146: Killing Mr. Boombastic.

  14. Week 145: Fishes & Forks

    Four framed prints laid out in a grid

    A week of binging great TV, exciting work days, useful dashboards, leaving drinks, blog posts, cutting boards, framing, and art college. Read Week 145: Fishes & Forks.

  15. Week 144: Adult Collectors Only

    A week of accidental deletions, fun work hackathons, scanning for vulnerabilities, robot rewards, dinner and drinks, delicious food, and new shelves. Read Week 144: Adult Collectors Only.

  16. Week 141: Weak Set

    My desk now set against a sage green wall

    A week of Brighton visits, bad hangovers, fixing bugs, the AI-enshittification of the web, hackathon ideas, calming sage green paint, and a champagne tasting. Read Week 141: Weak Set.

  17. Week 140: Padam Padam

    The album cover for Padam Padam by Kylie Minogue. It shows legs in red leather boots with 'Kylie' written across them.

    A week of eyewatering mortgage increases, seeing family, seeing friends, having our own wing, booking holiday, trying Lemmy, and blasting out some Kylie. Read Week 140: Padam Padam.

  18. Week 126: Junk

    A large pile of miscellaneous junk that was scattered around our flat

    A week of being sickly and weak, COVID symptoms, cancelled plans, missing being social, little pink sausages, healthy doses of nostalgia, and a massive tidy. Read Week 126: Junk.

  19. Week 124: Sosmix

    A bag of Sosmix which looks like stuffing mix

    A week of new teammates, long lunches, family time, fun new board games, shopping sprees, arranging frames, and 90s vegetarianism. Read Week 124: Sosmix.

  20. Week 122: Goblincore

    My full range of knitwear neatly folded and organised into cubby holes in a navy blue wardrobe

    A week of interesting playlists, neatly folded jumpers, carpenters, a refreshingly tidy house, evenings coding, reading technical specs, and delicious kimchi. Read Week 122: Goblincore.